Both Benzilla and Kabekui share a similar recurring theme in common - their artworks include characters which have lots of eyes. In this exhibit, the artworks and the “eyes” of the viewers complete this shared experience.

StolenSpace Gallery is excited to present: ‘EYE CONTACT’ a collaboration exhibition by the artists Benzilla and Kabekui. From Thailand and Japan respectively, these two artists have come together to unite their talent and shared inpsirations into one place at StolenSpace.


Both Benzilla and Kabekui share a similar recurring theme in common - their artworks include characters which have lots of eyes. In this exhibit, the artworks and the “eyes” of the viewers complete this shared experience, and unite their works together from Thailand and Tokyo, to London. Throughout the exhibition, the colour yellow also works to unite the palette of both artists and the gallery, offering another dimension of collaboration and connection. These vivid works are created with the image of finding hope in the chaos.


Benzilla graduated from Fine and Applied Art, at Bangkok University, and then started his career as an artist in 2007. His art is inspired by pop and street culture, as well as fashion and music, which he weaves together through painting, spraypaitn, and graphic design. His signature three-eyed character guides the viewer through his artworks, urging the viewer to self-reflect.


Kabekui lives and works in Tokyo, Japan, creating artworks that cleverly transition between 2D and 3D design. Influenced by manga and anime, Kabekui translates images of Japan into his own style, and his signature “twisting” design. His artwork expresses “things that cannot be unraveled,” which intersect with each other and are intricately intertwined.

For more information on pieces, please contact us here