Conceived to mark the end of a momentous period of forced social separation, and to offer out some ornaments that people actually want to own! So you’ can sit back, relax, look at your delightful new mantelpiece decor and say “thank G*% that’s over!”

D*Face and StolenSpace Gallery are thrilled to present, in celebration of her Majesty’s 95th Birthday and the UK’s newly restored social freedom, ‘A Right Royal S#*! Show’.


This is a truly unique Exhibition and Workshop experience by D*Face.

Across the show’s two weekends, guests will be able to ‘Paint Your Own Masterpiece*’, which will be sent off and glazed for you to enjoy. D*Face offers this chance to come together (in limited numbers) to better observe one of the most recognised and symbolic faces in the world, albeit with her tongue sticking out. This truly is D in his most essential form...


The gallery will also be exhibiting her ‘Winged Highness’ across a variety of mediums, from D’s very earliest 2000 screen-prints to his upcoming digital artworks. Alongside the backdrop of his work, StolenSpace will also be hosting the UK release of D’s latest collaborative sculpture with Medicom Toys, 'Dog Save The Queen'. This 40cm tall, solid

stone resin bust of Queen ‘Liz will be available in limited quantities fresh from the box, as well as a small number of hand customised busts by D as part of the show.

*masterpiece status not guaranteed...


“I’m stoked to be able to invite people back to StolenSpace to enjoy an exhibition in person once again. Whether you love her or hate her, there has always been something unifying about Queen ‘Liz and that’s what people need right now, whilst it lasts anyway. I’m also really happy to be releasing the DIY pieces too, mainly so I get to watch parents cringe as their child totally wrecks their new D*Face Ceramic but also because it’s a great way to bring people back together after endless months of video calls and social distancing.”